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How $1 could help a movie get made

I love Kickstarter. Personally, I've never had a project of my own on there but some very cool stories come out of the projects made from it. Here's one that hits a little closer to home for me than others. A few of my former Engauge colleagues are working on a passion project of theirs in the form of a short film called A Fish Tale. What is it? You can see the whole synopsis of the project by clicking here or just watching the video below.

How Does $1 Help?

If you watched the video or visited the Kickstarter page, you know that they are aiming to raise a good amount of money in a short time. $1 doesn't put a huge dent in the overall sum (but it is better than zero). Here's what a $1 pledge does do:

The more activity and backers that a Kickstarter campaign gets, the more likely Kickstarter will feature the project on the homepage. Activity isn't only measured in the form of raw dollars spent but how often people contribute. If featured, the project receives even more exposure and a greater likelihood of reaching their goal.

Passion Projects Rock

I'm a huge fan of people who follow their passions while still maintaining their full-time jobs. It's a lot of work but shows a lot of dedication to what they do. Having worked with these very creative people  in the past at an ad agency, I have full confidence that something very cool will come together. They just need an extra boost to make it happen.

Want to see A Fish Tale come to life? Clicking here and contributing will be a great start.  You can also check them out on Facebook to see updates of the film's progression.
