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This Ted Talk Made Me Want to Go To Sleep

We should all get more sleep. I don’t know a lot of people who wish they got less sleep. Inherently, we all know there’s some importance.

It wasn’t until I watched this TED talk that I realized exactly how important sleep is. If you can’t see it, click here to see it on

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I know a few people personally that tell me “I really only need 4, 5 or 6 hours of sleep.” If you fall into that camp, you may genuinely believe that. You may also believe the jury is still out on “science.”

Sleep is something Megan and I take pretty seriously. Yes, it means we miss out on some night time activity. There are likely fewer things that we’d love to get done that end up taking a back burner.

Getting the sleep we need helps us get more done with the time we have. Both of us make a living primarily by using our brains and thinking through complex problems. Doing everything we can to take care of our minds is going to be a big deal in the long term.

That includes getting a good night of sleep.

After watching this talk, is it worth robbing yourself of all the benefits of a good night of sleep?