Dear Friend,
This past year has been one of transition, change, and new experiences in my life. You might have heard that I recently graduated from Western Kentucky University! As most college graduates do, I have spent a lot of time trying to figure out what the next step in my life is going to look like. I wanted to send you this letter to tell you about what God has been doing in my life through the last year and how He has directed me as I am taking these next steps.
Last year, I went on a Spring Break trip with Campus Crusade for Christ to work in the Inner City in Chicago. I will never forget the impact that week had on my life. God used college students to tell so many people about their need for a relationship with Jesus and to provide them with a new way of life. Hundreds of people were impacted that week, but none more than the students that I went with. We left Chicago with a passion and desire to bring Jesus Christ to our own campus and impact lives the same way that we saw God change lives in Chicago.
God also did something big in my heart that week. He gave me a passion to work with college students- to tell lost students about Jesus’ great love for them, to teach and build them in their faith, and to send them out as Christ centered laborers. When I returned to WKU after that trip I was given the unique opportunity to work with our Campus Crusade staff team. I truly believe that was the beginning of God’s hand in directing my future. Through this experience I have gotten to share my faith with lost students on a weekly basis, work with international students, lead a Bible Study, and provide a way for college students to grow in their faith through our weekly CRU meetings and outreaches. One of the most amazing things I have seen God do in the past year is to change the hearts of six international students who had never heard of Him before coming to WKU!
This past semester I applied to join the Campus Crusade for Christ staff team full time and I got accepted! I have been placed at Upstate, South Carolina where I will be working with a staff team of three other people. We will be working over 18 campuses with 50,000 students. It is a big job and I am thrilled that this is where God has placed me! Each one of these students deserves to have a chance to hear the gospel and I can’t wait to join the rest of my team. I am overjoyed to be working with a ministry that has had such a profound impact on my own walk with Christ. Through this ministry I learned how to share my faith, study my Bible, and walk with Jesus on a daily basis. I cannot wait to begin working full time with college students to help and equip them in the same way. I truly believe that God can change the world through college students.
One of the many privileges that I have as a staff member is that I get to find a team of partners who will support my ministry. Campus Crusade has no central funds to pay for salaries and ministry expenses. Like many other mission organizations, Campus Crusade for Christ depends upon the consistent financial support of concerned individuals and churches. These contributions are used to fund the ministries of our staff members. I must find a team of partners who will give $100 monthly or some other amount to support my ministry. As soon as this team is complete, I can report to my assignment.
My commitment to my partners is to work diligently to touch the lives of people for Jesus Christ. Every student deserves a chance to hear the gospel, and I am so excited that God has blessed me with the opportunity to do this for a living. I will regularly let you know how God is blessing the ministry. Every month you will get an update from me about the things that God is doing through this ministry and ways that we can pray for each other. Would you prayerfully consider joining my team at $100 a month or any other amount? I am so excited to see the team that God is bringing together and to work to bring the gospel to these students! I can’t wait to raise this team quickly so that I can start working on campus. Thank you for your help!
In Christ,
Megan DePhillips
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