Sometimes there's nothing you can do about it Brain Wads, Journal, Work/LifeDrew HawkinsOctober 1, 2013Comment
The Onion does native ads better than pretty much any online publication Brain Wads, Brand Case Studies, StrategyDrew HawkinsSeptember 29, 2013adobe, home depot, native ads, the onionComment
I'm speaking in front of people with @ChadATL at #DigATL Brain Wads, JournalDrew HawkinsSeptember 27, 2013Comment
Renewed Respect for Jeff Bezos Brain Wads, Work/LifeDrew HawkinsSeptember 26, 2013Amazon, interview, jeff bezos, KindleComment
We bought a house and learned a few things in the process Brain Wads, JournalDrew HawkinsSeptember 19, 2013house shopping, property virgins Comments
This video has 1.2 million views. Was 'Idiocracy' prophetic? Brain Wads, JournalDrew HawkinsSeptember 17, 2013 Comments
C-Level folks still in the trenches Brain Wads, Work/LifeDrew HawkinsSeptember 6, 2013c-level, ceo, doing work, executives, trenchesComment
Just when I thought I had found my favorite calendar app... Apps, Brain Wads, ProductivityDrew HawkinsSeptember 4, 2013app, calendar, iPhone, mynd, organization Comment