I like Apple. I really do. I think the Macbook is the best laptop out there. I love my iPhone 6. I die a little on the inside when I have to use PowerPoint instead of Keynote. But I didn't buy their watch.
Read MoreSuccess isn't overnight. Most success stories that grace the covers of Fast Company or Inc. are usually stories that are actually many many years in the making. It's just hard to always remember that.
Read MoreDoing less actually takes more discipline and courage than doing more. One of the things I learned from reading Essentialism by Greg McKeown.
Read MoreDo you sit on your phone right before going to sleep? Here's why it's a bad idea in the long haul.
Read MoreHow ten minutes a day a few days a week could saves me from getting years behind
Read MoreEver have something go wrong on a project? We all have. It's how we navigate roadblocks that determines our success.
Read MoreAre we working to live? Or living to work? I initially ran across this video on Facebook and thought it was worth sharing here.
Read MoreYou may be surprised how well a "no" may be received. Saying yes to something, when you can't give it the attention it deserves, is worse than saying no.
Read MoreWe didn't plan it but Megan and I had a "screen free" evening last night. And it was awesome.
Read MoreFree content distribution. It was social media's biggest selling point. As more and more marketers bought in, there was more content to sift through. So social media channels like Facebook, YouTube and Twitter started making us buy ads to get noticed. It felt like a huge bait and switch. But was it?
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