It's funny how making intentional time to do nothing helps you be better at getting stuff done.
Read MoreOf all the digital productivity apps I have used in my life, could the most effective one be a simple notebook? I try out the Productivity Planner.
Read MoreInnovation isn't always a high budget affair. It rarely is. It's doing something old in a completely new way. That often comes with constrained resources.
Read MoreThe same argument could be made about Facebook and Twitter. However, I feel like Snapchat is more poised to become a media hub.
Read MoreIt's easy to focus on the big picture and big hairy audacious goals. How much attention should we spend on the small tasks we do every day?
Read MoreThree apps that keep my work day from getting totally out of control. Plus a few honorable mentions.
Read MoreI'm thankful for having her in my life for almost thirty years. How many people could say they've had a grandmother for that long (or even two in my case)?
Read MoreIf you use email at work, you have to read this book.
Read MoreThis post has two topics overused on LinkedIn: Millennials and Simon Sinek. Stay with me. I thought the insights here were worth a listen.
Read MoreWhen people learn that we both work in the same field, we are often asked if we'll ever start our own agency or consulting business, the response has always been a quick "no."
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