Work is crazy. Endless things to do. Countless meetings. Does it have to be that way? Not necessarily.
Read MoreWhile I’m not an executive investor on the west coast, I thought I’d share a little of my morning routine, picking one morning at random from last week. It’s intentional steps like the ones I take every morning that lead me to success. Maybe it’ll inspire you too!
Read MoreI love the features of Facebook’s Portal device. But the trust level just isn’t there for me to let Facebook have an always-on camera in my house.
Read MoreWhy Is Now Such a Prime Time for Brands on Voice?
Read MoreThese have been around for a while but thought they were hilarious.
Read MoreIf you’re out of the office for an extended period of time, here are a few things that helped me get into the swing of an new old routine.
Read MoreIt’s easy to get caught up in focusing on activities and not concern ourselves with the value of those activities. We don’t take time to step back and see if those things are taking us to the goal we’re trying to achieve…or if we even know what our goal is in the first.
Read MoreJust a few days before Ford was born, I had the opportunity to speak to Adam Walker on his "Good People Good Marketing" podcast about a few things I've learned the last ten years in marketing. I've gotten to know Adam the last couple of years and was thrilled when he asked me to join him on his show.
Who you are, what you think, fell and do, what you love - is the sum of what you focus on.
Read MoreJust because we have a shiny new tool or the ability to do something, does that mean we have to? Not necessarily.