One of the best way to put your personal marketing ideas and lessons to task is to get up in front of a crowd and share what you know. Designing presentations and fielding Q&A sessions are a great way to sharpen a marketer's skillsets. Here are a few presentations and panel recordings I've led at events over the years.
Stack Attack: Making the Most of Your Martech Stack | Argyle Forum
I had the opportunity to join a virtual panel during an Argyle Digital event talking about the best ways to build a tech stack. Being on a panel is fun. Being on a panel and learning a lot from your fellow panelists makes it even more enjoyable. This was during the pandemic so apologies that this looks like most conference calls you have been on.
When "it" hits the fan: Social media crisis management
What happens when an offline crisis finds it way to Twitter? When a brand makes a social misstep, how do you handle? This talk given at #SoCon14 goes through crisis management best practices acquired from real world experiences serving clients at DeMoss. There's also a lot of not-so-obvious Airplane references sprinkled throughout to help reinforce potentially heavy topics.
I Didn't Know a Pin Could Do That!
I was invited by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association to give a talk at an annual blogger conference at The Cove. The event featured three other speakers in addition to myself, including best-selling author Jon Acuff. Instead of giving a run-of-the-mill best practices talk, I took the audience on a journey through several "outside of the box" approaches to using Pinterest that served more purposes than driving repins or follower growth.
why are we on social media again?
In a breakout session for #SoCon13, Chad Bryant and I took our audience back to basics. Nobody had to be sold on the idea of social media marketing at this point. We wanted to take another step back and ask "why are we using it in the first place?" From this presentation:
"Best practices are a good historical foundation for learning from others' triumphs and mistakes - not a checklist for success."