Why Michael Tischer is Awesome
A few weeks ago I was checking out a few of my website analytics and noticed a trackback to a website I had never seen before. I had written a post about how The Recession Sparked Social Media and he took the time to comment on it. No - not just on my comments section.
He wrote a post on it.
It was actually his post that somewhat inspired me to start my Follow Friday posting tradition (sorry I missed last week btw). He used a post to talk about something that I had written, a concept that I brought up, and made a new post about it to further the discussion that I had started on my blog. Instead of talking about himself, he took time to toot someone else's horn.
That's what social media is about right? It's more unselfish marketing. Building trust, learning and continuing the conversation...even if it's not always about us.
You can check out his blog out at www.michaeltischer.com or follow him on Twitter @mstischer. His blog covers a lot of stuff: from social media news, to music, to reviews and even a recent posting on what really motivates us (a Dan Pink inspired post about intrinsic motivators). Definitely a good resource of a lot of intriguing topics.
He's always a good source of what's going on in the social media world. He doesn't just post - he is a great conversation engager. And that my friends is why Michael Tischer is awesome.