For Arrested Development fans who aren't fans of the election
I love Arrested Development. I haven't been as big of a fan of the election. That's why I appreciated these videos.
If you have never seen Arrested Development, these videos won't make any sense or may not be as funny.
If you're a fan, carry on. I feel like they did a great job capturing the tone of the show using debate clips. Very well done.
...and then the most recent one.
Just in time to prepare you for debate #3, Ron Howard Fact-Checks the Second Presidential Debate: It's Trump-rested Development. All music by David Schwartz for Arrested Development.
It also appears that Tobias isn't planning on voting Trump.
What about you? What election memes or covers have been your favorite so far? I'll add some of the best suggestions to this post (with credit to you of course).