How Fasting From Social Media Has Changed My Reading Habits
I gave up things like Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. I didn’t give up reading. What I read shouldn’t change, right?
Right. Well, kind of.
For the most part, the actual publications I read haven’t changed. I’ve made an attempt to pay for my news more and to read a wider range of perspectives. What’s really changed is the why behind reading. Something I didn’t notice for the first couple of weeks being off social.
My Incentive For Reading Has Changed (For the Better)
I’m honestly somewhat ashamed to admit it.
Whenever I would read an article online, I already had a lens as I was reading it. Sure, I was reading to learn something…but it was more than that. Any time I spent reading was also spent figuring out how I would share this online.
What would my tweet say?
How would I position this on LinkedIn? Is this even professional enough for LinkedIn?
Would I get trolled for posting this on Facebook? Who would this offend and/or disappoint?
If this article is from The New York Times, will my conservative friends and family think I was brainwashed? If from Fox News, would the same happen with my left leaning peers?
The articles I even chose to spend time reading were selected with the social media element in mind. Is there any point spending precious time reading an article that I found interesting that I wouldn’t also be willing to share online?
It was brutal being honest with myself. Sometimes it takes a form of fasting (in this case, social) to get there.
Am I reading to get smarter? Or am I reading so that I can “look” smarter?
I didn’t like my answer.
What About Now?
Now I read things because they may be interesting. Or they may be helpful to know later on down the road. I pick up an article, read it, I know more than I did before, and I move on with my life. It’s still an adjustment but it’s been a good one.
What About After Lent?
I will still share stuff online when I’m back on social. I’m even going to start a Saturday newsletter for my email subscribers sharing a few of the most interesting things I read that week.
There’s still value in sharing cool stuff on social. I learn from my friends all the time. If something is cool and I think could provide value for other people, I’ll share it.
And I’ll still read. A lot. I just won’t be compelled to share everything I’ve ever read. It may be for the best.
What I will do more of moving forward is trying to be more honest with myself regarding my motivations. Am I reading to learn something? To better myself? Or selectively finding content that may look cool to share on social?
What about you? I can’t be the only one who has thought this. Am I?