Without trust, we are our own worst enemy.
Read MoreI was 2 for 4 on goals for the year. Not bad.
Read MoreI created this weekly newsletter edition, exclusive to email subscribers, to share interesting things I’ve read that week. Makes me less dependent on social. And hopefully forces me to be more thoughtful about what I share.
Read MoreThe pandemic turned life upside down for a lot of people. A lot of it for the negative. When you are faced with a set of circumstances beyond your control you have two choices: dwell on all of the negative or recognize what you do have control over and make the best of it. More often than not, I’m proud to say that (I believe) we chose the latter.
Read MoreWhen Harold Macmillan became Prime Minister of the UK in 1956, he was asked what would determine the course of his government, he replied “events, dear boy, events!” In the same way today, it has been events that have re-shaped our thinking and general approach to privacy.
Read MoreIf I make an effort to be intentional with the first hour of my day, I respond better to fire drills at work, think more clearly and often feel way more patient with the kids.
Read MoreThe founders have built a brand around what a healthy work/life integration could look like. Forcing politics out of that equation feels like a miss.
Read MoreAm I reading to get smarter? Or am I reading so that I can “look” smarter?
Read MoreIs it possible to keep up with current events effectively without social? It is. Honestly, it’s even more effective.
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